Daily Usenet report

May 15 04:15:01 -- May 16 04:15:01

Unknown entries from news log file:

First 3 / 3 lines (100.0%)

May 15 04:16:11 wrathion innd: message repeated 2 times: [ ctlinnd command s]
May 15 11:00:08 wrathion pgpverify[15020]: pgpverify: verification failed
May 15 11:00:17 wrathion pgpverify[15192]: pgpverify: verification failed

Log entries by program:

Program nameLines%LinesSize%Size
inn 14499 62.7%2.5 MB 61.4%
innfeed 5376 23.2%1.1 MB 25.9%
innd 3247 14.0%537.7 KB 12.7%
controlchan 6 0.0%0.8 KB 0.0%
pgpverify 2 0.0%0.3 KB 0.0%
TOTAL: 5 23130 100.0%4.1 MB100.0%

Control commands to INND:

L 1
flush 1
flushlogs 2
go 2
logmode 2
mode 147
name 2
pause 2
paused 2
reload 2
reserve 2
TOTAL: 11 165

Control Channel:

SendernewgrouprmgroupOtherBad PGPDoItOK

Incoming Feeds (INN):

1usenet.goja.nl.eu.org 11 8015 5265 2691 59 65%24:14:58
2news.samoylyk.net 1 8963 3108 5826 29 34%23:31:25
3usenet.blueworldhosting.com 719 8428 2496 5931 1 29%23:48:57
4news.quux.org 2 6458 460 5993 5 7%26:59:43
5i2pn.org 2 7529 277 7252 0 3%23:59:04
6news.bbs.nz 1 6749 17 6732 0 0%23:59:27
7localhost 25 0 0 0 0 0%00:00:00
TOTAL: 7 761 46142 11623 34425 94 25%146:33:34
Articles received by server

Incoming Volume (INN):

1news.samoylyk.net77.1 MB74.7 KB74.7 KB77.2 MB 99%25.2 KB
2usenet.goja.nl.eu.org15.1 MB298.0 KB321.0 KB15.7 MB 96%3.0 KB
3usenet.blueworldhosting.com7.8 MB0.0 KB1.4 KB7.8 MB 99%3.2 KB
4news.quux.org2.4 MB10.8 KB22.5 KB2.4 MB 98%5.3 KB
5i2pn.org916.8 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB916.8 KB100%3.3 KB
6news.bbs.nz32.1 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB32.1 KB100%1.9 KB
7localhost0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB 0%0
TOTAL: 7103.3 MB383.5 KB419.6 KB104.0 MB 99%9.1 KB
Incoming Volume received by server

Incoming articles:

May 15 04:15:01 - 04:59:59 658 5.7% 0.245.0 MB 4.8% 1.88
May 15 05:00:00 - 05:59:59 961 8.3% 0.278.3 MB 8.1% 2.37
May 15 06:00:00 - 06:59:59 570 5.0% 0.168.1 MB 7.9% 2.30
May 15 07:00:00 - 07:59:59 477 4.1% 0.131.7 MB 1.7% 0.50
May 15 08:00:00 - 08:59:59 423 3.7% 0.121.4 MB 1.4% 0.39
May 15 09:00:00 - 09:59:59 462 4.0% 0.131.9 MB 1.8% 0.53
May 15 10:00:00 - 10:59:59 500 4.3% 0.142.1 MB 2.1% 0.61
May 15 11:00:00 - 11:59:59 610 5.3% 0.173.2 MB 3.1% 0.91
May 15 12:00:00 - 12:59:59 559 4.9% 0.161.9 MB 1.8% 0.54
May 15 13:00:00 - 13:59:59 794 6.9% 0.223.4 MB 3.3% 0.96
May 15 14:00:00 - 14:59:59 732 6.4% 0.205.6 MB 5.5% 1.60
May 15 15:00:00 - 15:59:59 459 4.0% 0.131.8 MB 1.8% 0.51
May 15 16:00:00 - 16:59:59 458 4.0% 0.133.6 MB 3.5% 1.01
May 15 17:00:00 - 17:59:59 694 6.0% 0.1921.7 MB 21.2% 6.16
May 15 18:00:00 - 18:59:59 347 3.0% 0.103.6 MB 3.5% 1.03
May 15 19:00:00 - 19:59:59 265 2.3% 0.072.3 MB 2.3% 0.66
May 15 20:00:00 - 20:59:59 332 2.9% 0.095.1 MB 5.0% 1.45
May 15 21:00:00 - 21:59:59 456 4.0% 0.1311.4 MB 11.2% 3.25
May 15 22:00:00 - 22:59:59 170 1.5% 0.05555.4 KB 0.5% 0.15
May 15 23:00:00 - 23:59:59 131 1.1% 0.04729.5 KB 0.7% 0.20
May 16 00:00:00 - 00:59:59 358 3.1% 0.104.2 MB 4.1% 1.19
May 16 01:00:00 - 01:59:59 216 1.9% 0.06912.8 KB 0.9% 0.25
May 16 02:00:00 - 02:59:59 318 2.8% 0.091.7 MB 1.7% 0.49
May 16 03:00:00 - 03:59:59 467 4.1% 0.131.9 MB 1.9% 0.55
May 16 04:00:00 - 04:15:01 96 0.8% 0.11248.5 KB 0.2% 0.28
TOTAL: 24:00:00 11513 100.0% 0.13102.4 MB 100.0% 1.21
Incoming articles
Incoming articles (size)

Sites sending bad articles:

1news.samoylyk.net 2121 2089 0 29 0 0 0 0 3
2usenet.blueworldhosting.com 680 663 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
3usenet.goja.nl.eu.org 137 26 0 55 4 0 0 0 52
4i2pn.org 12 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
5news.quux.org 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
6news.bbs.nz 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL: 6 2953 2790 0 84 4 0 0 0 75

Unwanted newsgroups [Top 20]:

alt.binaries.backup 2082
linux.kernel.netdev 141
kraft.politics 124
kraft.vehicles 63
kraft.talks 60
kraft.competent 55
linux.kernel.git 47
fido7.altyn.local 31
perl.cpan 27
fido7.pushkin.local 27
fido7.ukrnews 21
alt.comp.os.windows-10 18
fido7.lorapvt.horo 12
rocksolid.feeds.news 10
fido7.fidonet.online 10
fido7.lorapvt 8
fido7.f715.techinfo 7
fido7.nodex.tech 6
it.comp.os.win.windows10 5
fido7.f4441.robots 5
TOTAL: 38 2790

Supposedly-moderated groups with unmoderated postings [Top 20]:

pl.sci.historia 4
TOTAL: 1 4

INND no permission servers:

SystemConn 1 1
TOTAL: 2 2

Miscellaneous innd statistics [Top 10]:

No colon-space in header
usenet.blueworldhosting.com 1
TOTAL: 1 1
TOTAL: 1 1

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Articles:

1news.nonexiste.net 8729 8728 0 0 0 0 99%24:00:20
2news.quux.org 8024 37 7270 372 0 0 0%23:59:51
3usenet.goja.nl.eu.org 3711 36 3495 2 0 0 0%24:00:14
4i2pn.org 9435 36 8061 58 0 87 0%23:59:59
5news.bbs.nz 11625 10 8553 221 0 6 0%23:59:17
6news.samoylyk.net 7958 1 7739 2 0 0 0%23:58:53
7usenet.blueworldhosting.com 9030 0 8716 0 0 0 0%23:58:47
TOTAL: 7 58512 8848 43834 655 0 93 15%167:57:21
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Articles

Outgoing Feeds (innfeed) by Volume:

1news.nonexiste.net40.5 MB0.0 KB40.5 MB0.5 KB/s4.8 KB24:00:20
2usenet.goja.nl.eu.org221.8 KB421.2 KB643.0 KB0.0 KB/s16.9 KB24:00:14
3news.quux.org106.5 KB1.2 MB1.3 MB0.0 KB/s3.3 KB23:59:51
4i2pn.org89.8 KB327.6 KB417.5 KB0.0 KB/s4.4 KB23:59:59
5news.bbs.nz14.7 KB964.8 KB979.5 KB0.0 KB/s4.2 KB23:59:17
6news.samoylyk.net0.6 KB6.0 KB6.6 KB0.0 KB/s2.2 KB23:58:53
7usenet.blueworldhosting.com0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB0.0 KB/s023:58:47
TOTAL: 741.0 MB2.9 MB43.8 MB0.1 KB/s4.7 KB167:57:21
Outgoing feeds (innfeed) by Volume